Myriad at My Home Group is a team of REALTORs® dedicated to helping you reach your home buying and selling goals.
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Is your home currently listed on the market? Are you thinking of holding an open house to get some extra traffic and some feedback? Well, an open house never hurts, but will it actually sell the home? It is not completely unheard of, but it is highly unlikely that a sale will come out of it. The reasoning has a lot to do with the people who go to the open house.
Making a major life change? Relocating to a brand new city can be an overwhelming task. To help you through this process, save you time and money, we compiled a step-by-step guide for your relocation to Phoenix.
An area once filled with sweet-smelling citrus trees, Arcadia, has blossomed into one of the most enviable real estate neighborhoods in the Phoenix metropolitan. The region is rooted in history, charm, and fully envelops the American Dream.
Buying a home can be a very time-consuming task and one of the most important steps in the process is finding a mortgage company. To answer what may feel like an endless list of questions, we’ve put together a video series called #AskALender with help from our friends over at JFQ Lending, Inc. Each video covers a specific topic, from choosing a lender to qualifying for a loan. By breaking down the process into a few, simple steps, this video series can make the process of buying a home painless and easy!