How to Save Money AND Energy by Adopting Smart Home Technology
Finding solutions to our biggest environmental challenges requires a global approach, but it’s important to remember that change starts at home. We’ve all heard this phrase, but have you thought about what it means to, quite literally, change how we live at home? You probably already make small choices that help, like sorting recyclables and limiting water use. Now that smart home technology has become so accessible, we all have the chance to amp up these efforts even more.
What is a Smart Home?
For many people, our first introduction to smart home tech was through smart speakers like Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Nest. Now this category has expanded to include smart light bulbs, thermostats, appliances, and even shower heads. Each device provides a unique solution, but the underlying purpose is to automate and simplify our daily lives. Simple is great when life gets busy, but there’s an even better benefit to making your home smart: automation reduces waste, which saves energy, water, and even money!
Go All-In or Start Small?
When you’re ready to give smart home tech a try, one of the first questions many people have is where to start. If your budget allows, it’s perfectly fine to go all in, but most people start small and then add over time. Our suggestion is to start with whatever will make the biggest environmental impact for your lifestyle. For example, if you live in a drought-prone area, starting with a smart sprinkler controller is a good idea. Or if you want to make your whole home more efficient, consider investing in a smart thermostat.
Along with cost and function, another factor to keep in mind is security. Because smart devices use digital technology, having them contributes to the potential for hackers to get into your home’s network. For this reason, consider looking into steps you can take to keep these devices secure, along with how to enhance cybersecurity in your home in general.
What Are the Best Smart Home Solutions?
Smart light bulbs, switches, and outlets: These are some of the most affordable smart home solutions, plus they’re easy to install, which makes investing in these devices an easy way to reduce your energy use. As Real Simple explains, getting a smart plug basically turns any electronic item you use into a smart product. The result is that you eliminate that passive draining of energy that comes from leaving electronics plugged into regular outlets.
Smart thermostat: We love smart thermostats because they have the advantages of programmable thermostats plus extra features. Not only can you program them based on your comfort level and schedule, but they also learn from your habits and adjust accordingly. Depending on what you choose, some smart thermostats work with your smart speaker, and you can also control them from your smartphone.
If you’re looking for a budget option, CNET recommends the Honeywell LyricT5, but you can also choose a smart speaker based on other features, like the best voice control or the best design. If you want a smart thermostat that fits in with your minimalist decor and that’s also affordable, Gear Brain recommends the Nest E.
Smart leak detector: No one wants to find out (after the fact) that their water heater has been leaking for days. You’ll have a big mess on your hands and a big bill to fix the damage, plus a major waste of water. Using a smart leak detector can prevent this scenario from happening, and with these gadgets starting around $50, it’s a pretty minimal investment for potentially huge savings.
Smart home devices require an upfront investment, but the payoff will come back to you many times over. What’s even better is that once you’ve made this investment, there’s little to no work left on your part. Smart home devices are easy to integrate into your home, they look sleek and modern, and the ultimate reward is in the energy and utility savings you’ll accrue over the years.
Article Courtesy Of: Lisa Walker