4 Things Your Real Estate Agent Should be Doing for You
In today’s market, there is absolutely no lack of real estate agents. In fact, all you have to do is ask around and, more than likely, someone you know knows someone who’s in the profession. But having a license doesn’t mean that a real estate agent is thorough, well-versed in all things real estate, has years of experience, or even that they’re pleasant to work with.
If you wade through the sea of potential real estate agents, you’ll notice that the most successful agents (and teams) all have a few things in common— namely, how they treat their clients.
There are a few things you should always expect from a knowledgeable and customer service-focused agent that’s dedicated to you and your home search:
They Should Constantly be Noting Your Likes and Dislikes
Hunting for the right house can be a huge time investment, and an experience that allows you to really hone in on what you want in a home, and what you don’t. These likes and dislikes are things that buyers often tend to develop as they view home after home (often, even discovering preferences they weren’t aware of before). The right real estate agent will take note of what you really like about certain houses and, just as important, what you don’t want to see in your future home, using it to zero in on the best home options for you and your taste.
Consistent Communication
When it comes to something as important as finding the perfect home, you want to make sure you’re working with someone that is available to help you through the entire process. This means not only having a real estate agent you can get ahold of, but having one that’s truly invested in you and your search. Ideally, you’ll want an agent that you can message with random questions, that responds to your emails quickly, and that is always willing to take a few minutes out of their day to add clarity to whatever you need.
Nurturing a Real Relationship with You
Successful real estate agents are often in the position they’re in because they’ve taken the time to truly build relationships with their clients. This means staying in contact with you, even post purchase. A good agent is always available to discuss future real estate investments and answer any questions you may have, but more, they truly make an effort to stay in touch after you’ve signed on the dotted line. This means reminding you about important dates after your home has closed, keeping you up-to-date on any major things that could affect your investment, and yes, even acknowledging key milestones in your life (such as happy birthday wishes). Not only can all of this help to set them apart, it can build a relationship, based on trust, that can span multiple homes and referrals.
Stepping Up as the Expert (or Recommending One)
When buying a home, there’s no doubt that most buyers have a notable amount of questions. This can not only be true during the buying process, but after a house has closed. For example, those moving into a newly purchased home may be wondering:
● What’s a good moving company I can use?
● Is there a pest control company that’s excellent in my area?
● How long do I have to exercise anything under my home warranty?
● When should I be making adjustments to my mortgage insurance?
Although an agent may not have the direct answer for all of your questions, they should be able to step up as the expert when they do and more, to recommend a person or company with notable expertise when they don’t. Not only does this help to build a reputation as a trusted partner, it solidifies their place as your go-to for years to come.
Real estate agents may have varying work styles, communication preferences and specialty areas. However, the most important thing is that they’re invested in you and your search, using their knowledge of the space to help you make better decisions and the right investment for you and your family. Like anything else, take the time to truly research the agent that you’re going to be working with through online reviews and, if you can, by speaking with those that they’ve helped in the past. This is one of the key ways to ensure you’re working with an agent who can not only help you reach your goals, but be a valuable resource for years to come.